Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Like The Crib-Raider Calling The Pedophile A Pervert

Over 138 people in the film industry have signed a petition protesting the arrest of Roman Polanski for skipping the country after his 1977 arrest for having sex with a 13-year-old girl. Among those signing the petition were Martin Scorsese, Pedro Almodovar, and Woody Allen. If the judge questions Allen's veracity, he can always ask his wife and adopted daughter Soon-Yi.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Go To Wisconsin? WTF!

Since 1979 the Wisconsin Tourism Federation has gone by its initials, but recently they figured out that WTF has taken on a new meaning, and it's not one that inspires people to visit the Cheese State. So they changed their name. They're now officially the Tourism Federation of Wisconsin (TFW) which is much better. Well, except if you're dyslexic. They must be glad they didn't use the old initials on their license plates: "Wisconsin - WTF!"

Monday, September 28, 2009

Fumbling Is For Football, Not The Bathroom

A British store is launching a line of underpants for left-handed men which it says will save them time as well as the embarrassment of having to fumble around at the urinal. You can imagine how traumatic that must be. The underpants will have a horizontal opening instead of the traditional vertical one. Rob Faucherand of Debenhams store says that it "may sound like a small step, but it's the major breakthrough that many have been waiting for." They're hoping to follow this groundbreaking item soon with socks that match themselves, a T-shirt that fits with either side at the front, and pants that cure cancer.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

One Night At A Time

In her new tell-all memoir, actress Mackenzie Phillips, best known as Julie Cooper on One Day at a Time, says she had sex with her father, Mamas and the Papas founder John Phillips, beginning the night before her wedding. She also says her father shot her up with drugs, she had sex with Mick Jagger, and she still holds a grudge against Valerie Bertinelli for not only being cuter, but for marrying a hot, famous lead guitar player while she got stuck with Jeff Sessler, a "member of the Rolling Stones entourage."

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

It's Not Who You Know, It's Who You....Okay, It's Who You Know.

Two MIT students who were working on a term project for an ethics and law class managed to create a Gaydar machine. Carter Jernigan and Behram Mistree had their computer statistically analyze the friend links of declared homosexuals on Facebook, then asked the computer to predict whether other people on Facebook were gay or straight. It turned out to be pretty accurate for men but not as good at ferreting out bisexuals or lesbians. While there are no immediate plans to market the Gaydar XT2000 anytime soon, Jernigan and Mistree hope to publish their findings. Hopefully without naming names. And don't worry, one drunken status update doesn't make you gay.

Monday, September 21, 2009

At That Price You Want To Be Able To Keep Your Food Down

Cathy Maples of Huntsville, Alabama, won a charity auction on eBay to have dinner with Sarah Palin. Her winning bid? $63,500. Plus travel expenses to meet Palin. Democrats are considering auctioning off opportunities to not have dinner with Palin. They figure there are an awful lot of people who would pay dearly to avoid that.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Finally, A Good Reason To Wear A Tie

A British shirt company has released the Commuter Tie, a silk tie with a small pocket on the back for your iPod and fabric loops to keep earbud wires hidden. Unfortunately it's not available as a download, you need to go to a Thomas Pink store to buy one. It's designed for the iPod nano, so if you own a larger size iPod you'd best hope wide ties come back into fashion soon.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

What If They Gave An Election And Too Many People Came?

In an interview with NBC News, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says he doesn't “see any problems” with his disputed re-election, in spite of his opponent insisting the government faked the balloting and thousands of protesters filling the streets for days. After all, he explained, voter registration and poll housing questions were handled by ACORN, Jimmy Carter handled any racial challenges, and all ballots for Ahmadinejad that exceeded the number of registered voters in the country were recycled to Afghanistan where his name was crossed out and replaced with Hamid Karzai's.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Can I Just Twitter Until I Need A Tutor?

A researcher at the University of Stirling in Scotland says her testing shows that Facebook makes you smarter while Twitter makes you dumber. To be more exact, Dr. Tracy Alloway found that Facebook, video war games, and solving Sudoku all enhance your "working memory"—the ability to remember and use information—while Twitter, text messaging, and watching YouTube weaken it. To make it easy to figure out what these activities are doing to you, complete the following assessment:
A. Facebook, Video War Games, Sudoku
5 pts for each hour per week = __________

B. Twitter, Text Messaging, YouTube
5 pts for each hour per week = __________

SUBTRACT (B) from (A) = ___________
If the result is a positive number, your leisure and social networking habits are making you smarter. If they're negative, you're getting dumber. Adjust your time appropriately.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

If A Coyote Steals A Maltipoo Does It Make A Difference?

According to a tweet she sent last night, Jessica Simpson is offering a reward for her dog, a 5-year-old maltipoo, which she says was snatched by a coyote right in front of her eyes. Reportedly the coyote either felt there should be no such thing as a maltipoo, had an identity crisis and thought it was actually a dingo, or mistook the animal for Kanye West.

Friday, September 11, 2009

DSL, Cable, FIOS, Or Squab?

An IT company in South Africa wanted to test the download speed of their Internet connection with Telkom, the country's leading ISP. Instead of using an online broadband speed test, they took a homing pigeon, strapped a 4-GB data card to its leg, and sent it off to fly the 50 miles to Durban. The bird made it in one hour and eight minutes. Total time including unstrapping the card and downloading the information to a computer was two hours, six minutes. During that same time they'd only managed to download 4% of the data using their Internet connection. The next time you're ordering broadband, think squab.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

A Cricket Spit Off The Old Block

There are things a father should pass down to his children, like good moral values, a love of learning, and how to spit a cricket properly. That's why it's heartening to learn that after Brian Johnsrud won the cricket spitting contest at the Central Wisconsin State Fair on Saturday by expelling a thawed cricket 22 feet, 8 inches, his son Jared won the 9-to-11 year-old division with a 10-foot, 5-inch cricket spit. Mom has to be proud.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

A Cardiologist And An Undertaker Walk Into The State Fair....

The Texas State Fair is about more than animals, crafts, and midway rides. It's also about fried food. So much so that each year they hold a contest to find the best new deep-fried delight. Abel Gonzales Jr., of Dallas has won in past years with his recipes for Fried Cookie Dough, Fried Peanut Butter, Jelly and Banana Sandwich, and Fried Coke. Yes, Fried Coke. His newest recipe won the trophy for Most Creative. It's Fried Butter. That's right, he whips up some butter, dips it in batter, then fries it. It's available in plain butter, garlic, grape, and cherry flavors. Next year....Deep-Fried Crisco!

Saturday, September 05, 2009

Don't Gimme A Taste Of That Kit Kat Bar

In the mood for a KitKat but feeling like you need something healthier? Head to Japan where Nestle and juicemaker Ito En have joined up to create KitKat Enhancement Vegetables. It's apple-carrot paste sandwiched between crispy wafers and covered in white chocolate. Wow, does it get any better than this? Maybe, since in Japan there are at least 81 types of KitKats, including Green Tea with milk, Yubari Melon, and grilled corn. What, no Peanut Butter Tuna?

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Fly Me To The Moon

Yukio Hatoyama, who will become Japan's prime minister later this month, is nicknamed "the alien" because of his prominent eyes. So it's no wonder he married the woman he did. Miyuki Hatoyama claims her soul rode on a triangular-shaped UFO and went to Venus, which was "a very beautiful place and it was really green." She also says she met Tom Cruise in a previous life in Japan, eats the sun because "It gives me enormous energy," and has been known to channel Nancy Reagan, Shirley McLaine, and Zuul the Gatekeeper, but only at parties after too much sake.

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

This Law Is Brought To You By Right Guard

The Honolulu City Council is considering a bill that would impose a fine as high as $500 and/or up to six months in jail for bus riders who are stinky, be it from B.O., excess perfume, or Limburger cheese on their breath. Certs, Mitchum, and Febreze are all rooting for passage of the bill.

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Why Aaron Burr Isn't The Governor Of Kentucky

Kentucky State Rep. Darryl Owens has prefiled a bill for the 2010 General Assembly to stop public officials from having to swear that they haven't been in a duel. Since 1849, anyone taking the oath of office has had to vow that "I, being a citizen of this state, have not fought a duel with deadly weapons within this State nor out of it, nor have I sent or accepted a challenge to fight a duel with deadly weapons, nor have I acted as second in carrying a challenge, nor aided or assisted any person thus offending, so help me God." Considering there hasn't been a duel in Kentucky since 1867, it's probably safe to dump it. Not to worry. Dueling will still be illegal, though dueling banjos, Yu-Gi-Oh duels, and dual personalities will still be allowed. Cue the weird banjo player, please.