Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Amber Weather Alert

Amber Waves of Green – The ink hasn’t dried on the verdict and already the Fresno Massage Therapist has a book out about her affair with the Modesto Fertilizer Salesman. Witness: For the Prosecution of Scott Peterson by Amber Frey is the #2 book on No thanks. I’m waiting for the Collector’s Edition Boxed Set complete with tell-all books by her, each of the twelve jurors (including the two who were dismissed), and the guy who sold Peterson the cement. Now you know what to get me for my birthday.

Weather You Have a Job or Not – I’ve always said being a weatherperson is the world’s best job. Can you screw up at work 365 days a year and not only keep your job, but get a raise? Now it turns out this isn’t always true. The director general of Thailand’s Meteorological Department was fired yesterday for not issuing a tsunami warning. Expect to see him doing the weather on the 11:00 News on Channel 5 any day now.