Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Real Estate News

- A mystery bidder paid $150,000 at auction yesterday for the town of Palisade, Nevada. The new owner gets "160 acres of sagebrush, tumbleweeds, rattlesnake holes, half of a rusted car, the remains of an old washing machine and a cemetery with a couple of dozen graves." The auction was held in San Francisco where that same money would buy a closet. A closet without sagebrush, tumbleweeds, rattlesnakes, half a car, or an old washing machine, though it might have a body in it.

- A castle in upstate New York is being sold on eBay. For a minimum bid of $650,000 you can be the proud owner of this former 37,000-square-foot National Guard Armory which sits on 1.3 acres. It has 50 rooms, four turrets, a fallout shelter, and a former rifle range. Perfect for the new NRA headquarters, your neighborhood militia, or Neverland Ranch East.