Friday, September 16, 2005

You Can Never Be Too Thin Or...

...have too many blades on your razor. It started with one blade, then two became the norm. Then Gillette upped the ante with the Mach3 so of course Schick came out with the 4-blade Quattro. Not to be out-machoed, Gillette is putting out a five-bladed razor named Fusion early next year. So there! It will come with a beard and moustache trimmer on the back of the cartridge and be available in manual and battery-powered versions. Personally, I think I'll wait until the Wi-Fi enabled version with USB port, iPod dock and ice cube maker is released. Still, they're getting close to the perfect razor. At this rate they're only a couple of years away from having enough blades so I can shave in one stroke.


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