Friday, October 28, 2005

Oh Say, Can You Rebel

Everyone needs a theme song. But where to find one? After all, the Rolling Stones' new song Streets of Love is already being used on the soap opera Days of Our Lives. And Madonna's Hung Up, will be featured on CSI: Miami and CSI: NY. So what's a poor rebel group in Sri Lanka supposed to do? If you're the Tamil Tigers you put out word that you want a catchy national anthem, one that should "contain 18 lines — catchy and lively and in pure Tamil." That shouldn't be too hard. Especially when you realize that when they raise their flag now they play a song titled Look the Flag is Rising. Snappy lyrics, huh? Money might be a problem, but they should look into a translation of He's a Rebel, Eye of the Tiger, or Rebel Rebel.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You mean 18 stanzas, a lot more than 18 lines...

12:00 AM  
Blogger Mad Dog said...

According to Reuters, the Tamil rebels are quoted as saying they want "18 lines." Eighteen stanzas and everyone would fall asleep!

8:35 AM  

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