Thursday, November 24, 2005

Talking Turkey

- And you think you ate too much? - 105-pound Sonya Thomas beat seven men in the Thanksgiving Invitational by chowing down a whole 10-pound roasted bird in 12 minutes. She walked away with $2,500 and hopefully no appetite.

- But will she be stuffed? - Ruth M. Siems, who helped find the ideal bread crumb size for Stove Top stuffing, died of a heart attack yesterday. The instant gratification stuffing, 60 million boxes of which are sold around Thanksgiving, was patented in 1975. Eaters are requested to have a forkful of silence in her honor today.

- The World's Biggest Turkey - Tom "Understated" Cruise bought fiancee Katie Holmes an early Christmas present. He bought her a sonogram machine so they can watch Baby Cruise grow, and he didn't even wait for the post-Thanksgiving sales. Hey, it beats sitting around watching Cocktail again.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beats watching Days of Thunder too! That warm gel can be pretty sexy too.

Howie Luvzus

8:21 AM  

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