Thursday, December 06, 2007

Oh, Those Christmas Balls!

Microsoft killed Santa Claus. It's true. Their automated IM Santa has been gagged for good, probably with a ball gag considering the way he was talking. Promoted as a way for kids to chat with Santa using Windows Live Messenger (ID:, Santa would innocuously ask what the child wanted for Christmas. But The Register reported that when Santa was asked if he wanted pizza he replied, "You want me to eat what?!? It's fun to talk about oral sex, but I want to chat about something else." The caller and Santa ended up calling each other a "dirty bastard" and then signed off. Must be all that seasonal talk about stockings and Ho Ho Hos and Christmas balls getting to the old guy. Please, someone remind Microsoft about the second word in "artificial intelligence."


Blogger M said...

Hi Mad Dog

Reminds me of when Microsoft Word first came out. It had a thesaurus tool along with the spell checker. It was kind of cool, but I think the guy, must have been a guy, that wrote it was going thru a divorce or something. When you typed in the word "wife" you got: whore, slut, prostitute. When you typed in "husband" you got: provider, bread-winner, etc. No kidding!

11:41 AM  

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