Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Talk About Nuts and Flakes

A teenager in Chesapeake,Virginia, is selling a 2"-long cornflake in the shape of Illinois on eBay. The bidding started at $9.99 and in four days has reached $200,300. Plus a $4.99 shipping charge, of course. With almost two days to go, there's no telling how high the bogus bidding might go. And to think that doors, pretzels, and pancakes with the image of Jesus Christ or his Mom don't go for anywhere near that kind of money. Like the Beatles, could Barack's home state be more popular than Jesus?

ADDENDUM: eBay pulled the listing because it was unpackaged food, so now they're auctioning a coupon good for the cornflake. And in the first day bidding is only at $255.


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