Friday, February 20, 2009

And You're Upset When You Break A Fingernail

Lee Redmond of Salt Lake City, Utah, was in a car crash last week and sustained serious but non-life-threatening injuries, the most serious being that her fingernails, which hadn't been cut since 1979 and were listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the world's longest, all broke. Yes, all 28 feet of them. Even the longest, which was on her right thumb and stretched 2 feet, 11 inches. On the positive side, she didn't impale herself, she'll save $342 each time she goes in for a manicure, and she can finally dial a telephone again.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wonder how she was able to wipe her ass. Or pick boogers. She can probably do that easier now too.

12:22 PM  

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