Monday, April 13, 2009

Take That Kobayashi!

The "ghost chili", or bhut jolokia as it's known in India, is recognized by The Guinness Book of Records as the world's hottest chili, having a Scoville rating of 1 million units, which makes it 125 to 400 times hotter than your run-of-the-mill jalapeño. That's why it's amazing that an Indian woman, Anadita Dutta Tamuly, ate 51 of them in two minutes last Friday to set a new world record. Not to mention that when she was finished she grabbed handfuls of the chili seeds and smeared them into her eyes. As a follow-up she's considering drinking boiling oil, cutting her left hand off with a spoon, or putting a red hot poker in one ear so it comes out the other.


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