Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Like The Blind Leading The Fire Batallion

A couple of weeks ago, firefighters at the Waipahu fire station in Honolulu were called to the scene of a traffic accident. As they were finishing up they received a call about another fire. At their own station house. It seems they'd left some food cooking on the stove when they rushed out to the first call and it caught fire, causing about $25,000 in damage. Fire Department spokesman Capt. Terry Seelig has sent all firefighters a reminder to make sure they turn off cooking equipment when responding to emergencies. And not to make Cherries Jubilee without a fire extinguisher handy.


Anonymous ImageLuv Funny Blog said...

What an irony that firefighters have to fight fire at their own turf and because they were negligent.

5:15 AM  

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