Monday, July 13, 2009

GM...Geeky Motors?

Hoping to create a new image in the public's mind, GM (new advertising slogan: "Now out of bankruptcy!") is planning on selling its cars on eBay. Chief Executive Fritz Henderson announced that to start, California GM dealers will be able to post their new cars on the online auction site, though you'll have to go to the dealership to pick it up. Sorry, no FedEx overnight or overseas delivery available. If it works out, the company plans to roll out the program nationally, then increase their trend quotient by releasing an iPhone app that lets you turn an onscreen key and hear the sound of a car starting, setting up a Twitter feed for your car so you can get updates about how much gas you have, and a Nike+ program for your iPod that lets you know how much exercise you would have gotten had you walked or run instead of taking the car.


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