Thursday, April 28, 2005

The Mulligan's Diet

Need to lose weight? Head to Mulligan's, a bar outside Atlanta and order up a "Hamdog." It's a hot dog wrapped in a beef patty that's deep fried, covered with chili, cheese and onions, and served on a hoagie bun. Oh, did I mention that it's topped with a fried egg and two handfuls of fries? If you still feel like eating, think about following it up with their "Luther Burger" — a bacon cheeseburger served on a bun made out of two Krispy Kreme doughnuts. Hey, at least they don't serve fried macaroni and cheese. Yet. You can though, here's the recipe from the Food Network. If this hasn't killed your appetite and made you want to skip three meals, read this paragraph again.