Monday, September 11, 2006

Blind Justice

An English man was arrested in April for reckless driving, not surprising since he's blind, having lost both eyes in an explosion, and is partially deaf. Last week he was convicted and given a suspended sentence. Oh yeah, and was banned from driving for three years. That's right, three years. If you live in or around Oldbury, West Midlands, mark September 2009 on your calendar. You might want to stay off the streets for a while.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The sentence sounds silly but actually it's quite clever. Because of the length of the ban he has to take an extended driving test and theory exam. The theory exam has on element that is entirely visually based (Hazard perception). Fail that and you fail - can't drive. If by some miracle he passed it by random clicking then he has to be able to read a number plate at 20 meters so in that case he won't end up even getting into the exmination car.

Setting a driving law for a totally blind man would be like another on the statute book 'it is illegal to explode a nuclear weapon'

1:21 PM  

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