Thursday, December 27, 2007

There Ain't No Such Thing As a Free Chocolate Health Benefit

Put away all those delicious, healthy, dark chocolate Santas everyone gave you because they're supposed to be good for you. In spite of reports that dark chocolate can lower blood pressure, is rich in antioxidants, and can raise good cholesterol levels, British medical journal The Lancet says there's a catch. It turns out some manufacturers remove the flavanols that give you the health benefits because they're bitter. Not only that, but the fat, sugar, and calories you take in means that to get any health benefit you'd have to cut calories and eat less of other foods. If you're smart you'll just stick to flax seed and red wine.


Anonymous said...

Hi there. I consumed one have to a full Lindt dark chocolate bar every day for a few years in order to escape hormone therapy and it worked,,,and so did all the fat etc. etc. Then I accidentally found 'Healthy Chocolate". I had been eating it for about 2 years when on a road trip late last year,I ran out,,, It was a disaster for me since I hadn't been without it and didn't realize what it was doing for me. So I started to learn about it, talk about and fall in love with the whole concept it. It is the only raw, unprocessed cold pressed chocolate that exsists in the world. Delicious and healthy, it comes Dr. recommended and has been deemed a health food by Health Canada
This was just to let you know!
9/10 people crave it and 50% can't live without it ! Eat it ! We need it! Sincerely, J.St.Claire

7:47 PM  

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