Thursday, January 03, 2008

Talk About Being Undecided

The Iowa caucuses are today, followed in two days by the Wisconsin caucuses no one's heard of, the New Hampshire primary, etc, etc, et cetera. As of yesterday, 30% percent of Iowa Democrats and half of the Republicans say they're still undecided about who to vote for. How to to choose.... Platform? Morals? Religion? How they look naked? Why not? Last month an Australian magazine surveyed voters about the candidates for prime minister and found that twice as many people wanted to see 50-year-old Kevin Rudd naked than 68-year-old John Howard. Of course a full 50% didn't want to see either one sans clothes. Rudd won the election. In case you want to use this method, at the left is a little quiz to see how well you know — or fantasize about — the candidates.


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